Language coaching and language classes


General English

Beginners to advanced - Individual and group classes

Performing arts

Theatre, song lyrics, script writing.

Interview preparation

Be confident to speak English

Translation/ proof reading/ editing

Business English

A fundamental tool to grow in your job

Medical English

Studies of health and medicine

Cours d'anglais

L’apprentissage d’une langue étrangère signifie beaucoup plus qu’étudier et accumuler des informations théoriques.


Clases de inglés

Clases de inglés con Proceso de Coaching para lograr tus metas personales

Classi inglesi

Classi d’inglese con Processo di Coaching per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi personali

About us

When you want to learn a language, it is the opportunity to progress and to become more confident in practicing it. It is a holistic experience as you open up a new world and improve yourself.

Sequoia designs tailor-made courses. We develop each student’s knowledge of the languages according to their individual needs, understanding that each person has different objectives, expectations, challenges and strengths.

The objective is to channel each one’s potential in their learning to achieve the results they are looking for.

Contact me

For more information fill in the form or send me a message.

Language Coaching And Language Classes